News ID: 1690
Publish Date : 22 January 2018 - 09:15

How the Increase in Exchange Rate Will Affect Imported Vehicles' Price?

Dollar and Euro exchange rates reached their highest level yesterday and it is expected that the imported vehicle prices will also increase.
Khodrocar – Yesterday, dollar exchange rate reached 47 thousand and 500 IRRs and euro exchange rate also euro exchange rate reached more than 40 thousand IRRs and some vehicle importers are worried about these fluctuations.

But yesterday the exchange rate reached its highest level, but Valiollah Seif, CEO of Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran promised that he will handle this situation and the exchange rate will decrease soon but the historical experiences show that if the price of something increases, it will never drop.

Now that the price of imported cars has increased, because of the government's decision to raise import tariffs for cars, it is expected that the exchange rate increase will also increase these prices.

Farbod Zaveh, automotive industry expert told Khodrocar regarding the issue: "Prediction of imported vehicles’ price in nearly impossible until the rates become stable, Then we can talk about their prices. According to the CEO of Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the rates will soon decrease, and we hope so.

"Until the rates are stable, the exchange rate increment will not affect the price of imported vehicles. The prediction is possible when the rates become stable.”

If the exchange rates will not be decreased in the future, we expect to see the second phase of imported vehicles price increase. In these circumstances, the government must cancel the new tariff to prevent the price increment.

Khodrocar Reporter: Asal Dadashloo
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh